Total Solar Eclipse!

I live in the Northeast and have the opportunity to be in the path of the total solar eclipse occurring today. This is a once in a lifetime experience; unless you are an eclipse chaser!

According to NASA, the next time a complete solar eclipse will be seen from the contiguous United States is in 2044!

Solar eclipses occur when the moon obscures the sun from Earth’s view; the angles by which a total eclipse will occur are specific and rare.

I liken this to the career transition to pharma/biotech – although it may feel obscure and rare, it absolutely does occur. It occurs much more frequently, in fact, than a total solar eclipse seen from the contiguous United States (thank goodness for all of those looking for a job in biotech/pharma!).

To see the eclipse, I have to plan ahead and drive ~ 3 hours to northern New Hampshire. I have to buy safety glasses to protect my eyes. I’ll likely need to brave some crowds. All of these “challenges” are analogous to the work required to obtain a job in pharma/biotech. It is not easy, and it doesn’t come without some work. BUT, it is definitely possible and probable with the right preparation and dedication!

Ready to make a career transition to pharma/biotech… want to explore a way to use your medical training and knowledge in a fulfilling way without nights and weekends call or charting. Watch this webinar on Getting Past the Three Major Hurdles to a Career in the Pharma Industry HERE.