To Do Lists

I’m a list maker!

I LOVE my to-do lists.  They keep me organized and allow me to focus.

My daughter takes the to-do list to a new level by organizing hers in categories – I suspect this is genetic! Ha!

Sometimes the to-do list can have a negative connotation, leaving one to feel that there is so much to do!

Here’s a little hack to change the neural connections regarding your to-do list. 


By adding the simple word “Get” at the beginning, there is a subtle reminder that you are [lucky, blessed, grateful] to be able to do the things on the list. 

Try it –

Label your list each day “Get To Do” and see how the thoughts shift!

Ready to make a career transition to pharma/biotech… want to explore a way to use your medical training and knowledge in a fulfilling way without nights and weekends call or charting. Watch this webinar on Getting Past the Three Major Hurdles to a Career in the Pharma Industry HERE.