Setting GOALS!

My physician mastermind group, that I look forward to sharing more about in the coming weeks and months, is a motivated, inspiring group of physician entrepreneurs that I continue to learn so much from!

At the beginning of 2024, one of our coaches challenged me to set a goal. 

I was being coached on increasing the awareness of The Pharma IndustryMDCoach and one of the ideas I had was being on other physician podcasts. The coach helped me COMMIT to a SPECIFIC goal:

5 podcasts recordings secured by the end of April

This goal is SMART!






By committing, in the presence of others no less, to this specific goal, I was motivated to achieve. 


Achieve I did! 

I’m proud to share that I not only secured 5 podcasts, I secured 7!!

You can use this goal setting method for many tasks related to your career transition to biotech/pharma! Think about it!

  • Networking – how many networking calls WILL you schedule per week?
  • Job applications – how many job applications WILL you submit per month?
  • By what specific date will you choose the career focus you are interested in pursuing? 

Here is a link to one of the podcasts I recorded this past quarter:

Thanks to one of my awesome coaches, Mike Woo-Ming, for having me on his podcast, BootstrapMD.

You can find the link here

Ready to make a career transition to pharma/biotech… want to explore a way to use your medical training and knowledge in a fulfilling way without nights and weekends call or charting. Watch this webinar on Getting Past the Three Major Hurdles to a Career in the Pharma Industry HERE.